
Valentino Sombiro Simpao

November 13, 1930 - September 11, 2019
candle-small flame
Tucker Funeral Home Light a candle Light a candle
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St. Joseph Catholic Church
113 South 3rd. St
Central City, KY 42330
Sunday 9/15, 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
St. Joseph Catholic Church
113 South 3rd. St
Central City, KY 42330
Monday 9/16, 11:00 am
Resurrection Catholic Cemetery
5405 Hwy 54
Owensboro, KY 42303
Monday 9/16, 3:00 pm

MILD MANNERED AND KIND HEARTED COMMITTED TO HIS PATIENTS Remembrances of Dr. Valentino Sombiro Simpao, MD GREENVILLE – Valentino Sombiro Simpao, age 88, passed away peacefully in Louisville, Kentucky on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, surrounded by loving family and friends. He was born in New Lucena, Santa Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines on November 13, 1930, toContinue Reading

Tony Simpao left a message on January 31, 2021:
Helen Kraus left a message on June 22, 2020:
So sorry to hear of Dr. Simpao's death. Dr. Kraus and I were very fond of he and his family for the short time we knew them. Mclean Co. lost a good Dr. and family when they relocated. Best of wishes for all.
T.Elizabeth Simpao left a message on November 25, 2019:
BlueStar never stopped praying
Matt Walker left a message on September 21, 2019:
Thoughts and prayers from the Walker family.
tommy west left a message on September 16, 2019:
I am so sorry to hear of docs passing. he treated 3 generations of my family and we loved respected him. I remember sitting in his waiting room scared as a child, but once I was in the treatment room, he would come in with that smile and I knew he could make me better. Later in life when I had children I never had any doubt when they came down with something who could cure them. Rest well my friend you will be missed.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Linda Spurlin left a message on September 15, 2019:
Dr. Simpao was my doctor for many years, but the memory I have is the time in 1984 when he diagnosed me with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. As soon as he looked at me he said, "you look like that you have been bit by a tick." So he did some blood test and the results from those, he sent me straight to hospital. He said it would take ten days to get results, so he was going to treat me as I had it and if he didn't that I could be dead before he got the results. I was in hospital twelve days and on the tenth day he came in my room kind of of dancing and teasing with my mother, saying: I told you, I told you, it was Rocky Mtn. spotted fever. With God's help he kept me alive. He was a great doctor and wonderful with his patients. I am truly sorry for your loss and will pray for all of you. And that was the best obituary I have ever read. God bless!
Joe/Marie Merkley left a message on September 14, 2019:
Sending our love and prayers to all.
Linda Robert Davis left a message on September 14, 2019:
Dr.Simpao was my physician until he retired. He was a wonderful person. You couldn't ask for a better person. He will be missed by all of us. Praying for the family. R.I.P.DR.
Teresa Rose left a message on September 14, 2019:
Deepest sympathy's, hugs and prayers. He was a fine man to work with and will forever be remembered.
Deana Bivins-McClellan left a message on September 14, 2019:
Phillip, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. He was lived by the community. Hats off to who ever penned his obituary- it's beautifully done (I cried). Our family is praying for you.
Mary Dozer left a message on September 14, 2019:
Our entire family received care from Dr Simpao almost from the time of the opening of his practice in Central City. He delivered our son Jason in 1975. Terry and I were sad to hear of his passing, but he left a legacy of caring. We'll miss him.
Betty Jones Hearld Conkright left a message on September 14, 2019:
For Phillip, my son, Rod Hearld, was a buddy to you and Tony Eaves in grade school... He always loved going with you and loved it when your dad was part of the group. He passed away 11/21/97 in auto accident in California. But talked of the three of you throughout his life. God bless you all. You had a wonderful dad.
Ray Melendez left a message on September 13, 2019:
My friend love you medico miss the last tonk hand but Will meet again hold the deck I'm tonks the game RIP doc your friend Ray
James Deshotels left a message on September 13, 2019:
remembering Dr Simpao in my prayers & at the altar. I trust he's found peace where 'the light of God's face shines'. His family & loved ones are especially in my prayers these days
Danny Markwell left a message on September 13, 2019:
I met Dr Simpao before I met my own mom on May 5, 1972. He delivered me and was my doctor until the early 90s. I saw him at a gas station just a few years ago and he remembered me well and was as kind and happy as ever. Rest in Jesus' loving arms doc!
Dorothy and Bill Carver left a message on September 13, 2019:
So sorry for your loss!
Crystal Barefield left a message on September 13, 2019:
He was such a kind soul, weather you seen him on the street,was a patient or worked h
Under him, he was always funny and sweet. Great great doctor and man.
Janice Devine left a message on September 13, 2019:
Dr. Simpao A great Dr. with a good sense of humor. I loved his wife Dianne that worked with me, I will never forget them and their children. RIP Dr.

Janice devine.
Darlene Nelson left a message on September 13, 2019:
A truly beautiful person, a fine doctor and a wonderful mentor
Kimberly Hocker left a message on September 13, 2019:
He will be truly miss. See
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Alejandro Soriano left a message on September 13, 2019:
Kabay pa makapahuway ang kalag mo. Ipangamuyuan ta gid kita nga makita mo si JesuCristo dayon.
Angela Rock left a message on September 13, 2019:
Thinking and praying for you in this difficult time Paige Family. Reading about your Father/Grandfather was very moving. He lived a full and fruitful life. What an amazing faith-filled person. God Bless his soul.
Sarah Knight guzan left a message on September 13, 2019:
Loved this man dearly while working with him at the Muhlenberg County Hospital in Medical Records. He was my favorite Doc to work with. Prayers for the family.
Mandy Epley left a message on September 13, 2019:
He was a good man and a great Dr. He delivered me in 1977! I just saw him a couple of months ago and he was just as friendly and sweet as always! R.I.P. Doc
Fran Barns left a message on September 13, 2019:
He will be missed he was a good Dr
Mary Pat Bruce left a message on September 13, 2019:
He was a great doctor ...delivered my son....i am grateful to have met this wonderful person...Rest...
Linda Kirtley left a message on September 13, 2019:
I am so sorry. He was a great friend. He delivered my two older children. In 77 and 79 . I loved him. He was good to me. He was very funny. He will be missed.
james tunnicliff left a message on September 13, 2019:
i will miss my friend and my former dr rip my friend
Tony Browning left a message on September 13, 2019:
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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