
Carolyn Joyce Bechard

July 11, 1947 - January 18, 2017
candle-small flame
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BEECHMONT – Carolyn Joyce Bechard, 69, of Beechmont, died Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at 5:20AM at Owensboro Health Muhlenberg Community Hospital. Mrs. Bechard was born July 11, 1947, in Porterville, CA. She was a cardiovascular tech at San Gabriel Hospital. Carolyn loved all kinds of movies, her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and being with family and friends.Continue Reading

Carina Bautista left a message on January 27, 2017:
Rest in Peace Carolyn. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Carina Bautista left a message on January 24, 2017:
Rest in Peace Carolyn. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Delores Davis left a message on January 21, 2017:
To my cousin, Carolyn Joyce Rector-Bechard.
You have been a part of my life as long as I can remember. We were like sisters, you, Betty Swaim-Jordin and I. We are as close as cousins can get.
I love you and always will. You hold a place in my heart which no one else can fill. We had the best of times and sometimes we disagreed, but that never changed the love I have for you and you were quick to forgive.
You loved your job as a Cardiovascular Technician at San Gabriel Hospital in San Gabriel, CA.. (Carolyn was a hard worker and truly loved her job, patients and co-workers. She spoke of them often).
Carolyn moved to Porterville, CA, a short time after retirement and we spend a lot of time together, taking a trip to San Jose to see her grandson and his girlfriend, Amanda and then on to Reno, Virginia City and Tahoe, Nevada. Many more adventures followed. We spent time with our cousin Betty and her husband Chuck in Bakersfield, CA., visiting with them.
Most of all, you loved your family and friends. Your daughter Shannon was the apple of your eye. You were so proud of her and she always looked after her mother, making some trips to Porterville to see you.
You had a love and caring for all mankind.
Goodbye for now, my sweet cousin. I will see you in heaven sitting at the right hand of God.
Kimberly Norman left a message on January 20, 2017:
Aunt Caroline our years together we're cut short but I will always remember your laughter and love for my daughter Kelsey and my mother Sara Fruit we will miss you and love you always. Rest In Peace Auntie
Marilyn Bondeson left a message on January 20, 2017:
My dear sweet friend how I will miss you .We have been friends for 47 years and have been as close as sisters I will watch over Shannon for you not to worry I love you my friend
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Irene Bechard-Kohn left a message on January 19, 2017:
I am so thankful we were able to reunite this past Thanksgiving! You were still the special Aunt I always remembered. I will see you again in Glory and promise to be there for Shannon whenever she needs.
annette wilson left a message on January 19, 2017:
i am so glad we got to vist and spend time together before you moved away thanks for all the fun time and memories we will always remember you and miss you love you always see you again someday
Betty Jordin left a message on January 19, 2017:
Carolyn was one of my closest cousins growing up, long distance, but close just the same. As children, we used to spend time together in the summers and then when I got married would visit her and her family to go horseback riding in El Monte, California. When Carolyn got married the four of us would get together to play cards or just hang out. We are not only family but remained friends our whole lives.
Carolyn was a very giving person. She spent her money to make gifts for others. It's what pleased her and made her happy. She was talented in many ways, making crafts, crocheting and sewing. She took me shopping for material and made me a lap robe before she left California to live with her daughter Shannon, in Kentucky. The last time I saw her was in Porterville, CA at a lunch in her honor before she left.
I will miss Carolyn so much, but I know that she is now out of pain and with her Savior, and we will be reunited one day. Rest in peace my sweet cousin!
Gloria Bechard left a message on January 19, 2017:
Not mine, but God's will be done. With all my heart I know you're now angel. How big are your wings? How many stars in your halo?
Thank you for the special memories - EVERY ONE WAS GOOD. You are a kind beautiful woman and you will be missed.
We will see each other again, but until then RIP my dear Aunt Carolyn <3
elaine ellis left a message on January 18, 2017:
I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I took care of her in the hospital. Such a sweet woman. You are in my thoughts.
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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