
Rose Mary Copeland

October 15, 1938 - September 4, 2021
candle-small flame
Tucker Funeral Home
candle-small flame
Patricia e Jones
candle-small flame
kevin simpson
candle-small flame
candle-small flame
Betty Howard Light a candle
Light a Candle
Funeral Services are Private

SACRAMENTO – Rose Mary Copeland, 82, of Sacramento died Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 12:20 a.m. at her residence.  Rose Mary was born October 15, 1938 in McLean County and was a homemaker.  She is preceded in death by her husband Preston Copeland, daughters Debra Woods and Chlesa Woods, brother Laymon Helm, sister Betty Thomas,Continue Reading

CANDY A OAKES left a message on March 30, 2022:
Sweet wonderful Rose. You are truly a light that shone so bright here on earth for so many of us. You were a fun, exciting , joyful person to be around. You made me more of myself and showed me there was a lot of fun to be had in life. You brought out the best in my daughter and I thank you so much for everything you did and all the things you didn't even know you did to make life special for so many of us,
Shawn Gary Brayton left a message on December 20, 2021:
Dearest Rose Mary, As you became part of the Universal energy, I saw see you reuniting with your husband, Dee Dee, son-in-law, grandkids and all others that you embraced while on Earth. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the tragic day of Dee Dee and et al passing. December 21, as I previously mentioned, as been entangled with my life particularly since 1988. I may not have reached out to you then, however tomorrow I am taking back that day for celebration of you, your husband, Dee Dee and her family, and those lost on Pan Am Flight 103. I am going to Magic Mountain in CA. There I will reach the highest heights that is offered to share my thoughts and energy with all involved with that day. I will be thinking of you. God bless your daughter Patricia and sister Mary. Love and light… Shawn
Robert L. Tolbert Jr. left a message on December 9, 2021:
My sincere and deepest condolences for your family
Patricia e Jones left a message on November 30, 2021:
I light this candle as a memory during this holiday season for my mother and all loved ones who have crossed over. That we remember their light during this holiday season.
Shawn Brayton left a message on November 30, 2021:
Rosemary, You do not know me. This writing is 33 years pass due. In 1988 both you and I were living in NJ. In the local paper, The Burlington County Times, I read about the tragedy that struck your family. My heart ached for you. You became part of the fabric of the story of my life. I recently wrote something about it. My memory grew fuzzy over the years and your name was lost to me. I tried searching online throughout the years without success. I finally resided to write a post on Facebook to "connect" with you. The writing was meant to encourage others to reach out to those who have had great loss. It was meant to inspire people with a rightful heart and intentions to express themselves. Thankfully a good friend read my post and was able to research the internet and find you! With your name I came across Betty Howard's tribute to you in the Sacramento News section of the Mclean County News. Long story (33 years) short, here I am. I am so sorry for the loss of your family... your daughter Dee Dee... son-in-law... grandkids... and your husband. I am in awe that you were able to move on through the years. I know there must have been such sadness and emptiness. The 18 year old me felt awkward to reach out but know he cared for you. He wanted to help you fill void with a hug and a kind word. Today, because of you, I know the strength of the human spirit. Today because of you I rise to the occasion to be present and expressive. Because of you when I have my darkest days I know I can make it through. I wish I met you. I am comforted to know that you are now with your family. I'm going to try and reach your sister Mary. I read she wrote at 23 page memoir about your life. That memoir is a keeper. Blessed be Rosemary... Thank you for being part of my life and providing me with strength. I dedicate my writing below called "If you feel it, mean it..." to you. Heavenly hugs, Shawn “If you feel it, mean it…” This time of year has always been hard for me. The turning back of the clocks for daylight savings just ushers in my depression. Coming from the northeast, November through March were always hard months. I remember distinctly in high school my friends wanting me to go out with them at 6pm. The sun had already set over an hour ago. The wind howling as it moved and swayed the bare trees outside my window. The darkness, the cold, my lack of energy… I almost always told my friends I could not go out. I was kind of relieved later in life when I heard the term “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD). SAD is defined as “depression associated with late autumn and winter and thought to be caused by a lack of light.” Depression, in general, is something I would come to realize I would need to work through in my life, but these months made it worse. At least I had something tangible to explain the malaise and empty feeling I would get this time of year. The shortest day of the year in respect to daylight is December 21st, the winter solstice. This day was my nemesis. For the prior six months each day Mother Nature was taking away precious light from me. Zapping me of my strength and my will. December 21st was my checkmate. I could not win. At least December 22nd I would be on an upswing. I was thankful for that thought. December 21st also sticks out in my memory for another reason. It is coupled… no throupled (?)… not only with sadness due to depression, but a tragic event, and wise words that I carry in my heart today. I’ve learned to embrace December 21st. Wednesday December 21st, 1988 was when Pan Am flight 103 was destroyed by a planted bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland. 243 passengers were killed along with 16 crew members. I was 18 years old. This was on the news. I was deep in depression. It was the shortest day of the year. I was definitely checkmated. Before I get to the glimmer of hope I learned from this day, I have to explain some further tragedy. The following January, in 1989, our local newspaper “The Burlington County Times” featured an article about a woman in the area. Her husband was dying of cancer. In preparation for his transition, this man’s daughter, newborn grandchild, and son-in-law, who was in the military, were making a journey to him. Sadly this journey was to be made the month before on flight 103. The article continued on how this women lost her daughter, the grandchild she never met, and son-in-law on the flight. My heart sank. Tears welled up in my eyes. The article continued on to state her husband would pass away from cancer shortly thereafter. Why am I writing this? This is all so devastatingly sad and gloomy. I get that. The positive that came out of this was a conversation I had with my mom (Nancy). I told my mom the story. I lamented about this poor woman losing her immediate family all in the span of days due to tragedy. I was at a loss. I did not know what to do. My mom said to me that I should write this lady a letter. I said to my mom that would be too odd. Too strange. She doesn’t event know me?! The following words are the words of wisdom that I carry in my heart to this day. These words are the words that took back the power December 21st had over me. These are the words that un-checkmated me. When I expressed to my mom how odd it would be for me to write to this woman my mom said, “If you feel it, mean it, without malice in your heart… it is never wrong.” I regret that I never wrote that lady a letter. As years passed I actually have searched online to find out her name but have not been successful. Although I never wrote to that lady, I carry in my heart and tell other people to this day when they are moved to do something don’t feel weird about it. Express yourself. I know today where the good intention is coming from. The 18 year old me might have felt awkward but I pass this story along to others so… so… so someone else will write that letter that I never wrote. If you feel it, mean it, without malice in your heart… it is never wrong.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
kevin simpson left a message on September 8, 2021:
In memory of Rose Mary Copeland, kevin simpson lit a candle
kevin simpson left a message on September 7, 2021:
On behalf of the Simpson Family of Danville,Virginia We say a prayer for the family in this time of sorrow.
Anna left a message on September 6, 2021:
Such a sweet lady, who will never be forgotten. Condolences to her family.
Betty Howard left a message on September 5, 2021:
Such a sad day for all of us in Sacramento, Ky. The loss of Mrs RoseMary will leave void for all of us. Condolences to all the family and prayers for healing.
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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