LEWISBURG – Maurice Allen “Moot” Moore, 86, of Lewisburg, died Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 8:27AM at his home. Mr. Moore was born January 9, 1934, in Muhlenberg County. He was retired from TVA, where he worked as a machinist. He was also a barber, and a cattle farmer for many years. He was a member of Dunmor Missionary Baptist Church. He enjoyed fishing, and was a shrimper for many years. He was preceded in death by his parents, Alton and Lucille Moore; and granddaughter Dena Marie Leach. He is survived by his wife, Bettye Dukes Moore; son Greg (Teresa) Moore of Lewisburg; daughter Rhonda (John) Leach of Beaver Dam; grandchildren Christopher Leach, Elizabeth Leach, Sarah Beth (Derek) Jackson, and Katherine Moore; and great-grandchild Norah Jackson. In compliance with health and public safety directives, the funeral arrangements for Mr. Moore will be private for immediate family only, with private burial. Tucker Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at www.tuckerfuneralhomes.com.