
Edwin “Monchew” Wickliffe Arndell

September 5, 1983 - April 18, 2022
candle-small flame
Tucker Funeral Home
candle-small flame
Mary Lea Lusader
candle-small flame
Amy McElvain
candle-small flame
Michael and Jessica Evans
candle-small flame
Echoe Kessenger Light a candle
Light a Candle

BROWDER – Edwin Wickliffe “Monchew” Arndell, 38, of Browder, died Monday, April 18, 2022, at 11:03PM in Central City.  Mr. Arndell was born September 5, 1983, in Muhlenberg County.  He was a believer of God and fun to be around.  He was a loving father and brother.  He was preceded in death by his parents,Continue Reading

Vickie Durall left a message on April 29, 2022:
I am so sorry me and my boy friend Steve Milligan no him every sent he was a kid we new his parents and we watched him and his brothers grow up we are so sorry
Vance Turnage left a message on April 27, 2022:
Sorry for the lose of Munchew,he was a good dude. It's so sad how it happened. Prayers for his family and friends. He's with his baby now.?
Mary Lea Lusader left a message on April 21, 2022:
I love you cuz. Gone to soon . Never forgotten. Fly high with my brother jackpot.
Ralph walters left a message on April 20, 2022:
Rest in peace brother going miss you like crazy see you soon buddy say high to dwayne and ur dad for me buddy
Kristie Dukes left a message on April 20, 2022:
I'm going to cherish all the memories we shared growing up from babies to adults always there to talk to when I needed it I cant believe yr really gone when I found out my heart sank and tears started falling you will forever be in my heart I love you man R.I.P monchew
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Amy McElvain left a message on April 19, 2022:
In memory of Edwin "Monchew" Wickliff Arndell, Amy McElvain lit a candle
Amy McElvain left a message on April 19, 2022:
Sincere condolences to the family
Jennifer Lynn Wells left a message on April 19, 2022:
He gonna to be miss I love you go fly high rip
Michael and Jessica Evans left a message on April 19, 2022:
In memory of Edwin "Monchew" Wickliff Arndell, Michael and Jessica Evans lit a candle
Kandy allen left a message on April 19, 2022:
Oh man this hurts so bad all the memories we had together monchew man I am devistated rest easy my friend you sure will be missed I will see ya again one day love you bro ?????
Cristy Ward left a message on April 19, 2022:
Prayers are with u all. This man right here always brought Mr laughter and a smile. He look for me when he came by Sonic I will miss u and that smile.
Cristy Ward left a message on April 19, 2022:
Prayers are with u all. This man right here always brought Mr laughter and a smile. He look for me when he came by Sonic I will miss u and that smile.
Echoe Kessenger left a message on April 19, 2022:
Still seems so unreal that your gone. We had alot of fun and great memories growing up. We're all gonna miss you terribly. I send my love and prayers to all of his family and friends ?
Angie Gossett left a message on April 19, 2022:
Rest in Peace Edwin
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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