
Betty Kay Shelton

September 13, 1942 - April 13, 2015
candle-small flame
Tucker Funeral Home Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle

Tucker Funeral Home
113 North Third Street
Central City, KY 42330
270-754-1551 | Map
Saturday 4/18, 9:00 am
Tucker Funeral Home
113 North Third Street
Central City, KY 42330
270-754-1551 | Map
Saturday 4/18, 11:00 am

CENTRAL CITY – Betty Kay Shelton, 72, of Central City, passed away at her home on Monday, April 13, 2015, at 1:30PM. Mrs. Shelton was born September 13, 1942, in Indianapolis, IN. She was a homemaker. Betty was a Christian and member of First Baptist Church in Central City. She taught children’s Sunday School andContinue Reading

Mary Sigler Keutzer left a message on February 16, 2020:
Betty Kay and I were classmates at Dixon High School. I lost track of her in the last few years.
My thoughts and prayers go out to .A.G. and all the family; so sorry for your loss.
Roxana Joy Dehghanian Guy left a message on April 19, 2015:
Thinking and praying for you all.
Jack Blackburn and Family left a message on April 17, 2015:
Betty Kay is very much in our memory! We (Tom & Jack Blackburn) had planned to come to memorial but Tom,s wife became ill today and we had to cancel! We are also related to her Mother and Grandmother!!!w
Rodney and Renea Brown left a message on April 16, 2015:
Betty Kay was a bundle of Sunshine every time you met up with her!! We just loved to be around her. She shared her love to everyone! We will miss her! Our prayers and thoughts go out to you, A.G. and all the family!! May God put his loving arms around each of you. Love, Rodney & Renea Brown
Barbara Kinney left a message on April 15, 2015:
TO Lee & Raven... I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother & grandmother. May the Lord comfort you during this time. God Bless.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Melinda Brown left a message on April 15, 2015:
So sorry for the loss of your Grandmother! Praying for y'all!
Pat Key left a message on April 15, 2015:
Proverbs 31:10 says: "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Truly Betty falls into this description and follows through the rest of the chapter with flying colors. She was dutifully industrious; diligent; disciplined; dependable and determined. And, one more, delightful. She loved her Lord and her church. My memories are a rich treasure of the fun and laughter we all had while 'working' on the hospitality committee together. The wonderful times we had when Betty and A.O. hosted several of our Sunday School class parties. These events were always uplifting and truly fun-filled fellowships. Everything Betty did she did whole-heartedly. She had a steadfast way of attacking the challenges of opposition and discouragement. In her prime years she never seemed to tire, always persevering until the task was completed. She was blessed with many Spiritual Gifts and thoroughly enjoyed using those special endowments for her Lord and Savior. Proverbs 31's final lines end by saying, "Let her works bring her praise at the city gates." In our Central City 'gates' I want to praise Betty Kay Shelton for the wonderful inspiration she was to so many. She truly will be missed by all who were privileged to have been a part of her life throughout the years. Thank you Betty for the special person you have been to so many of us.
Darlene Sallee Robinson left a message on April 15, 2015:
Lisa and family, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. I enjoyed knowing her at New Harmony and know that she loved her family and the Lord very much, the most important things in her life. We can never fill the emptiness in our hearts when a parent passes but we can only put our trust and faith in the Lord, the one in whom your mom had put her trust, and take comfort that we will be with them once again someday. Praying that the strength and comfort of the Lord will carry you through these days ahead as your grieve, that you will find peace during this time of reminiscing and celebrating your mom's life. God bless you all.
Ellanee Lancaster left a message on April 14, 2015:
Betty was a beautiful. Christian lady. She was always smiling and encouraging to others regardless of how she felt. She was such a dear friend to our family. I am so blessed to have been her friend. I have fond memories of her and my dad teasing each other. I just know she entered the gates of heaven saying, "Well, Ed, I made it!" I know we will all miss her but I am so thankful for the big hug she gave me Sunday. One day we will all rejoice in heaven together for eternity! It will not be this same without her humor and loving/caring/bubbly personally around here!
Laurie Ballay left a message on April 14, 2015:
My Aunt Betty Kay was such a special person. She touched everyone she came in contact with. She made such a big and positive impact on my life. She will be missed dearly. The good Lord has one the greats. I love you.
Rhonda Watkins left a message on April 14, 2015:
Betty will be missed by so many. She encouraged all of us. I never saw Betty without her hair combed and her lipstick on.
Darlene Hoagland left a message on April 14, 2015:
Betty was my very special close friend and we became even closer once she and A.G. moved in our neighborhood. She was always so much fun and always had a smile for everyone. I will miss her but know that we will meet again. So many precious memories of a very dear friend. Love you Betty. Darlene
Julie Boozer left a message on April 14, 2015:
Although I've only had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Shelton on only a couple of occasions and very briefly, I have to attest that just knowing her daughter, Lisa, for many years, is a testament to the kind of person she was. May God bless all that knew her and be with you during this difficult time of bereavement. Julie Boozer (Piedmont, SC)
Gayla Pittman left a message on April 14, 2015:
My Aunt Betty Kaye was a very special lady. She always had a smile for everyone and never said an unkind thing about anyone. She had a great sense of humor and I so enjoyed being around her.I love her very much and she will be greatly missed!By6h5
Julie Davis left a message on April 14, 2015:
You will be missed
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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Betty Joann Shelton

June 21, 1946 - January 24, 2018
candle-small flame
Tucker Funeral Home Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle

Tucker Funeral Home
113 North Third Street
Central City, KY 42330
270-754-1551 | Map
Saturday 4/18, 9:00 am
Tucker Funeral Home
113 North Third Street
Central City, KY 42330
270-754-1551 | Map
Saturday 4/18, 11:00 am

CENTRAL CITY – Betty Joann Shelton, 71, of Central City, passed away on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, at 6:01AM at her home. Mrs. Shelton was born June 21, 1946, in Wheeling, WV to the late Harvey and Jeanette Paige of Wheeling, WV. She was united in marriage to Gaylord P. Shelton on January 21, 1990.Continue Reading

Kimberly Hocker left a message on January 29, 2018:
She will be truly miss
Kimberly Hocker left a message on January 29, 2018:
She will be truly miss. Love beend around her
Kimberly Hocker left a message on January 29, 2018:
Love All The Family
Kenneth Richie left a message on January 26, 2018:
Betty, for the 20 years that I have known you, you have always been a kind soul! Thanks for being a great person to the Shelton family, as well as accepting me into the family once I married into it! You will be missed by us all! I will never forget the breakfasts that you cooked, and watched us cook, when I first became part of the family, and welcoming me to stay in your home when I was staying overnight. You will be greatly missed.
Tucker Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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